Raise the potential
in every byte

Data Analytics / Data Warehouse / Artificial Intelligence / Data Strategy

Raise the potential in every byte

Data Analytics / Data Engineering / Artificial Intelligence / Data Strategy

made in Germany
Data is not an incidental by-product, but traces of our daily actions. We are convinced that analyzing and evaluating these traces has a lasting effect on the results of our work. For us, behind the ones and zeros of every single byte lies the potential for major improvements.

As one of the leading consultancies for data and AI in Germany, we deliver cutting-edge solutions designed to unlock the full potential of your data. We operate internationally, serving clients across a diverse range of industries. Our mission is to provide clarity, direction, and relief in the increasingly complex working environments of our clients through our deep expertise, modern technologies, and innovative business models.

BI Dashboarding for Fresenius

Have an overview of all KPIs at all times? And also up-to-date and easy to understand? Sure thing!
For example, with our BI Dashboarding at Fresenius University of Applied Sciences. Here, six departments manage the acquisition and application management of over 18,000 students - across all platforms and channels and with dashboards in Fresenius design.

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IoT stream analytics for HD+

Over 2 million IoT devices - more data volume is hardly possible. And yet, with our IoT Stream Analytics Platform, HD+ is able to reliably monitor live data and develop its product range. Not based on gut feeling, but on data-driven insights. Also thanks to an Azure IoT stack that is unparalleled in its professional design.

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Customer Data Platform for Blinkist

Blinkist's value proposition to its users is to make the statements of complex specialist books accessible.
Our job is to make all Blinkist data from marketing, CRM and sales equally understandable and analyzable.
With a modernized tech stack, Blinkist is able to process and use extremely complex, heterogeneous data from various specialist areas. We realize this using meaningful, modular dashboards with a 360° customer view.

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Cloud data warehouse for smooth
sales controlling at SKF

Excuse me? An automated reporting landscape that manages company-wide sales activities for over 150 employees? No problem with a modern cloud data warehouse in combination with Power BI dashboards. And above all, it is infinitely scalable in the future.

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Data-driven insights along the entire data journey  

Strategy Consulting

Individual guidelines and our tried-and-tested setup for launching your data initiatives.

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BI & Data Analytics Consulting

Create professional dashboards and reports for intuitive analysis of complex data.

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Data Warehouse Consulting

Effortlessly scalable and flexible architectures for rapidly growing data landscapes.

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Artificial Intelligence Consulting

Develop cutting-edge products and services using artificial intelligence to drive innovation and efficiency.

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Data Experts in Cologne, Stuttgart and Hamburg


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Who we are and what we do

BI training courses last year


Data Experts in Cologne, Stuttgart and Hamburg


international data projects


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Company headquarters Cologne

taod Consulting GmbH
Oskar-Jäger-Str. 173, K4
50825 Cologne‍‍‍
Hamburg location

taod Consulting GmbH
Alter Wall 32
20457 Hamburg‍‍‍‍
Standort Stuttgart

taod Consulting GmbH
Schelmenwasenstraße 32
70567 Stuttgart